LiveJasmin is an award-winning platform known for professionalism and quality productions. Featuring hundreds of models, both amateurs and professionals alike, users have the ability to filter based on virtually any preference, including age, fetish, and show style. Chat hosts provide free shows upon registration, and private shows run by sexy cam girls who aim to please are available for credits, which can be purchased in a variety of packages ranging from $29.99 to $159.99.

For a base membership fee of $9.99, users can enjoy thousands of amateurs from around the world. Offering sexy cam shows and recorded show videos in hundreds of categories for as little as $0.98 per minute. Couples and group chats are available, allowing users private and anonymous access to sexy fun for an affordable rate. Discounted shows, celebrity porn star shows, and free shows are featured throughout the day, and users even have an opportunity to win their money back through random daily draws.