Thursday February 27, 2025

Are You Addicted to Porn?

Porn. Four letters that ooze of both erotic desire and disgust in equal measure. It's undeniable that thanks to pornography a majority of guys have experienced the virtual pleasure of hot chicks fulfilling each of their wildest fantasies. From the attractive and voluptuous Brazilian MILFs to the slender and curvaceous Thai escorts, this multi-billion dollar industry has been 'kind' and versatile enough to include all the lewd tastes known to man. But at what cost?

Bald man addicted to porn sites

Several decades ago blue movies were only produced as a sophisticated form of entertainment. Fast forward to 2015 and a good number of my male friends have substituted Internet porn for meaningful relationships. There are literally living the redefined bachelorhood life of being married to their right palms (if you know what I mean). You see, watching porn occasionally has no real harm as per se. In fact, it’s always a good way of distracting yourself or releasing a hectic day’s tension. Nonetheless, when porn begins to take the centerfield of your lifestyle, then my brother, you have a reason to worry. And please don’t start worrying that you will soon spend more money on lube than you do on groceries, but because you’re already missing the whole point of indulging in porn.

When Does Harmless Entertainment Escalate to Addiction?

Out of all types of human addiction, porn addiction ranks in notoriety and pervasiveness. Partly because most men will rarely notice the faint line between an occasional dirty movie and full-blown pornography dependency. The biggest problem with this nature of addiction is that it is pegged on our very primal nature as men – the desire to procreate. Thus, while you are kidding yourself into thinking that your porn use is merely average, the claws of repetitive masturbation and expensive subscriptions are slowly closing in.

So how do you know that you are sailing in murky waters as far as those gloriously slutty ‘ebony’ and nubile teens go? Well, if you are experiencing 7 or more of the following porn addiction-related tendencies, we need to have a talk.

  • You find it hard to prioritize your work or studies once the urge for some action comes knocking. You will gladly stray from a major and fast-approaching deadline to visit PornHub or Bravo Teens.
  • Your girlfriend complains or finds your sex styles odd or too ‘explicit’/abnormal. E.g., you like it when she chokes on you the same way Asia Carrera or Tori Black does. Dude, that’s just weird.
  • You think or are tempted to think that approaching, gaming and seducing real-life women is a ton of unnecessary work. You might as well be married to your right hand.
  • You are currently paying for more than one HD porn subscription. Average users don’t pay for porn.
  • After you have jerked off, you still find a reason to keep scouring the web for better angles or a similar performance. Congratulations bud, you have just found yourself a new girlfriend.
  • You no longer find clothed/ fully dressed women arousing. If you still expect our ladies to start strolling the streets in g-strings or lacy thongs, then you’ll have to wait longer.
  • You know porn stars by their real names and can also recite their stage names/aliases off your head.
  • You are constantly lying because you worried that your girlfriend, wife or roommate might catch you pleasuring yourself.
  • You a have a massive collection of porn-related ‘treasure’ tucked away or hidden creatively on your computer or external hard-drives. I still can’t understand how someone would watch the same porn clip twice.
  • You watch porn almost every day.
  • You may be tempted to think that the aforementioned signs are not justifiable signs of hardcore pornography. But that’s because internet porn is so rampant that it has gained acceptance as a stage of adulthood.

    The downside of overusing porn sites.

    Sooner or later, the man who gets accustomed to his palm ( literally) will not find the courage or ‘thirst’ to pursue or meet real hot women. In as much as porn is entertaining or pleasurable to watch, it will never come close to a real-life, well-executed romp with a sensuous woman. The plastic and less challenging nature of sexual content gradually makes a man averse to approaching or manipulating real women. After a long period of masturbation, a majority of single men will gladly confess that it becomes harder to seduce a woman. As time passes, your life is bound to become more sexless, and the closest you will come to getting laid will be through expensive erotic video calls.

    Sex Vs. Porn.

    Hardcore porn addicts or enthusiasts will often harbor this misguided opinion that masturbation is equal to having sex. For starters, your body responds differently in the two situations. Scientists have proved that the feel-good hormones testosterone, dopamine and serotonin are released in copious amounts during normal sex but lack conspicuously during self-stimulation. At the same time, they have also singled out that norepinephrine ( also a brain-related hormone secreted to aid high alertness and sharper focus) is associated with sessions of masturbating. That’s the reason you feel slightly depressed after jerking off as opposed to the elation and triumph accompanied with making a woman moan your name in ecstasy.

    Both instances of hormones can lead to addiction, but it’s the norepinephrine that has a counteractive twist that entangles the porn addict to crave for more and more action. After a while, soft porn does not turn him on, and he graduates to the advanced, hardcore stuff such as BDSM and simulated rape.
    While sex addiction is likely to make you a seasoned or perennial adulterer, porn addiction leads to a darker alley punctuated by hollowness, low self-esteem, and a bruised manhood.

    Quitting porn.

    If you’re already hardcore porn user, then there is no point of lying to you that you can easily quit porn altogether. Nonetheless, it’s possible to regulate your usage and bring it back to a more ‘manageable’ level. One of the ways is by opting out of all paid subscriptions and deleting all you porn ‘treasure’. If you are already in a relationship, then consider opening up to your partner or a trusted friend for moral support and also act as an anchor whenever the desires come calling. Space out your jerking off sessions to once or twice a month while putting more effort into meeting real women and trying your Alpha-best to get laid.

    Bottom line.

    Bear in mind that as much as watching porn is not any more or less morally/religiously wrong than other sexual indulgences such as fornication, overusing it has more serious psychological repercussions.

    That said, the epitome of our manhood is highlighted by the confidence and ability to conquer those serenely beautiful women in bed, not watching them bounce on other men’s laps.
    Lastly, pornography should only be used as a tool to spice up your bedroom game as the dominant Alpha, not to be a substitute for it.

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One thought on “Am I A Porn Addict? Signs That You May Be Addicted To Pornography”

  1. I’m afraid my 11 years of marriage is over! Thanks for the article. I just learned so much me and my spouse had the best sex life we both always said that I kept it exciting I tried roles but he purchased a new tablet then started to work long hours I think he is now at stage two where he is meeting them I think it’s bothering him a lot he is not the same we haven’t had sex in two months he won’t touch me but I’ll catch him in different rooms it’s scary I blew up I had to adjust to this then the mental part where is he whom is he his phone shuts off as soon as he leaves but he is beginning to talk he asked me if I would be interested in making a live stream I’m just listening now I’m scared to loose him we had sex it was just very very difficult it’s not fun I was getting orders like also all his laundry is has this weird oil or looks like oil stains can someone help me answer this or going threw this its heart breaking he said I’m useless also he left navigation open but also he had google translate in different languages now Facebook I see has this video chat and you can now send virtual gifts and cards or tips we had each others pass words we were together since we were 23 now I’m 36 I’m so sad I cry a lot I don’t eat I can’t eat I think it’s from his mom dying at a young age 13 he treats me like his mom he only kisses me on my forehead I was happy 12 years last night he was telling me to call my this one that one like people have relationships I said they want to be together he invited a few of his boys but we tried it was like I never knew him I felt like I had to compete or look or feel 20 I’m not a saint I had my shares of crazy maybe a bit kinky I phon in collage and I role play with my husband we played games it’s when the I pad and ten hours at work I think he fell in love with a few I felt so abonded he didn’t have my name atshtored I was so sad he had people’s from his old job it’s always. Lies I found out if he puts me in his cloud I may get his group sex Tex I did I’m so stressed out I can’t sleep I’m so hurt I was loyal I gave him EVEYTHING also but the oil thing what’s t

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