Monday March 31, 2025

How to Meet and Pick Up Girls At The Gym

Contrary to what you may think, the gym is actually a pretty good place to meet girls. In truth, the gym has become a kind of Mecca for meeting, greeting and networking. This is the market that has caused an increase in the popularity of single sex gyms and workout clothes that are no longer just functional but also fashionable.
Girl Flirts with Guy next to Weight Rack

It often cause men to ask, “How can I get that hot girl?” It can be pretty intimidating since you are there to probably work off that extra fat or since the other 10 guys eyeing her might have a far better body than yours, but with the ability to tweak your regular pick-up strategies and spot the right target then make your move at the right time, it is sure as hell possible.

Sounds like too much work? Nah, follow these steps and you will find it to be easier than your workout.


You need to evaluate your reason for really being at the gym. If you go to the gym solely to pick up more girls, then you are already a tool and not even on her radar. Women, as frightening as this can be, tend to have a bullshit radar that works just fine in the gym. they can instantly pick out a man who is simply there to stare and not do the work. If you are that guy then you won’t even register beyond being a creepy perv for her. Picking up girls should be incentive to the package but not your main reason for being there.


If she is the only friend you are trying to make then you will look like a stalker, so before you even go there make friends with the staff, managers and personal trainers. Ask how they are doing, flirt a bit, make small talk and just establish a cool but positive presence at the gym. Women love men who are sociable without being too much and they will instantly pick up on the vibe you are giving off. You don’t need to be everyone’s friend, but if enough people know and like you then women will be intrigue. Without doing much you would have planted a seed.


Whether you find them attractive or not, talk to as many women at the gym as possible. I’m not saying you should launch into some long deep conversation, just a simple “Hi! How you doing?”, will work just fine. If a homely butterface chick ask for some help with a machine, don’t be dismissive and do not grimace, simply be nice and help out with a smile. This will:

  • Establish your image as a nice guy, and most definitely separates you from all the other iron pumping douchebags who have a “hotties only” policy.
  • The sexy gym bunnies might get just a tad bit jealous when you notice the not so hot girl but seemingly ignore them.

When you have done establishing yourself as the nice guy with a purpose, it’s time to target your prospects. It is sometimes extremely hard to put women in a gym in categories, but here are the three main types:

THE ELUSIVE: Who doesn’t love a woman with a bit of mystery? It makes the chase so much more tantalizing. The elusive one is so named because you just cannot figure out where the hell she goes off to when she walks into the gym.

She has you wondering if there is some kind of Hogwarts entrance or hidden Narnia wardrobe through which she escapes and returns at will. She is in her yoga pants and neon top all fresh and cool on entrance, then she disappears and emerges an hour later all hot and bothered, headed towards the girls locker room.

This is the woman who loves her Zumba, yoga, Pilates and boot camp classes- you will rarely see her pumping iron in the main part of the gym. She can be a bit unapproachable  unless you pick of one of her specialties of get a quick hi in after workouts or on her way out.

THE MUTE: She’s the one in the old T-shirt with headphones pulled in. She avoids all eye contact and stares at the floor as she moves from machine to machine. Her mantra is, “burn those calories and speak to no one”. You might want to avoid this one no matter how attractive she might be.

She is there to work out, not to make friends- any approach might be an annoyance Well, unless you feeling lucky, but take it slow and really easy.

THE SOCIALIZER: She is your main target- smiling, talking and fun to be around. For her male attention gives her self-esteem a boost and she lives for it. The catch is, you cannot be like every other guy who is just ready to give her what she wants right off the bat. Don’t encourage her, a simply hi once or twice then ignore her for the rest of the workout will have her wondering why you aren’t like the other guys.

It makes you more mysterious and intriguing to her. Don’t get on the treadmill next to her and start a conversation- huffing and puffing while you talk really isn’t sexy anyway. I advice that you work out close enough for you to get her attention, but far enough away that you wont have to give yours to her until you are ready.

The one main rule for the gym is to remember its not a club or a bar with music and drink offers to get you started or help you out. The gym is a one shot kinda deal, so don’t go rushing and screwing things up- that will quickly become your reputation and then you will need to switch gyms and start all over again.

Plant the seed and let it grow a bit, give her that panty-dropping lazy smile every now and then, get some serious muscle work in and leave her alone. After a few of these encounters it is safe to approach her in a non-imposing and annoying way- preferably when she’s at the fountain, taking a break or on her way out NOT during her work out. You can offer help if she needs it but don’t be condescending and pushy. When this does ignite conversation, don’t ask for her number let her offer it to you in her own time.

This initial contact is when you will turn up the charm, offer to refill her water bottle when you fill yours, talk about friends, work and school. Then when she offers that number casually present a weekend hangout with other friends or a quick coffee run one day. Don’t make it into a date, just a casual hangout and before you know it you will have that hottie right where you want her.

This might sound like a lot of work, but you really aren’t doing much. The first three steps are the most important, after that is easy sailing. Yes, you might have to put a little extra in it every now and then, but if she’s got you strategizing then she must be worth it.

To finish out the lesson, here are a few things you should definitely not do:

  • Don’t hog the cardio machine because she is close by- For the love of whatever you love, do not stare!
  • Don’t be that messy man and leave your weights strewn about, women notice this shit.
  • Bring a towel, and please use it. It shows her you are self-conscious.
  • Don’t interrupt her work out- Huffing and puffing = Not sexy
  • Don’t use your cellphone, it makes you look arrogant and lazy.
  • Don’t go giving advice unless absolutely necessary, no one likes a man who thinks he knows it all.

Now you are all set, go get that hot girl!

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