Thursday February 27, 2025
Have you ever found yourself waiting in line at Starbucks when you spot a gorgeous girl but had nothing to say to her? Picking up girls at your local coffee shop is not as difficult once you get an idea of what to do. There are tons of cute girls and women that constantly are either hanging out at coffee shops or just stopping through to get a coffee. There is a ton of attractive girls that go there every day to get coffee that are incredibly hot. Like, perfect breasts, make you think of sex non-stop, incredibly and uncomfortably horny. The things you would do to these girls... it's better that they don't know, right?
You are Hot Starbucks Coffee Cup

You can get into ALL of these girls’ pants. It’s just a matter of learning how to approach her. Check out how to pick those little hotties up, talk to women, and help any lingering approach anxiety you have disappear around one hour before the two of you disappear under the sheets.

Impress Her

If you’re at Starbucks and you see a girl in line behind you that you think is sexy, a real knock out, then you need to impress her to get her attention. Give the cashier your order and pay for it, then give him a $10 and point to that girl. Say, “And whatever she’d like, as well.” She’ll be flattered and you’ll have no problem getting her number because you are such a great guy and she’ll be thrilled at feeling special. Ask her if she wants to listen to a record at your place. If she doesn’t ask what record, she doesn’t care, and you guys can have a quick, dirty afternoon hookup that you’ll fantasize about for weeks to come.

Some Witty Lines That Might Just Work on Her

“There’s a warning on the bottom of these cups that says to be careful because the beverages are so hot. But you know what? I think they should’ve put that label on you.”

“I hear this place uses fair trade beans. If I bought your drink and you gave me your number, do you think that would be a fair trade?”

“I think there’s something brewing between us. Would you care to join me and tell me all about how you got so beautiful?”

“I really like the way you espresso yourself! Hi, I’m … [say name here with hand extended]”.

“I was going to order a hot Americano, but I think I already got one.”

Play It Smooth (By Numbers)

If you see a girl you think is hot in line, do this.

  1. Order your drink and wait for it.
  2. If she passes by you, you can hand her a card with your number written on it.
  3. If you’re walking out past her and she’s sitting down, just coolly walk over and give her the card.
  4. Tell her that you think she forgot this. If she says she didn’t, give her a little smile and tell her, “Keep it. It might come in handy.”. She’ll be intrigued, first by the fact that you have the balls to come up to her. Then by your confidence. You might even turn her on, in which case she’s definitely calling.
  5. Then walk out from the building and make sure your phone’s not on silent.

Dress Like A Dude She Wants To Bang

When you dress well, you appear attractive. A guy who is put together and has a good wardrobe is way more bangable to her than someone who dresses like crap. You’re just going to register in her brain as a dude who’s not worth going to bed with. But dressing well communicates that you’d probably be a good mate because you take care of yourself and could take care of her. So she’s more likely to want to end up in bed with you. Evolution, baby. She’ll only ride you if you take a ride to the nearest Banana Republic and dress smooth, so get on down there pronto and make sure you look nice.

Practice the Art of Peacocking

Peacocking involves wearing something that stands out that she can easily strike up a conversation about. It’s something that stands out, but won’t be too atrociously obvious. Something like a cool bandanna with skulls around the neck. Wear these pieces to peacock successfully and get l-a-i-d:

  • A chunky ring
  • A very large, unusual watch
  • An interesting hat with a feather
  • A cool rock band t-shirt
  • An interesting jacket with lots of patches

These things, if worn with the right confidence, will set you apart and intrigue her enough. It’ll help her feel at ease in the conversation and let things get started naturally.

If all else fails when you’re putting in action how to pick up cute girls, just compliment her. That’s your go to. Put some or all of thesis information into practice and you’ll be picking up ridiculously hot girls in no time.

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