Saturday March 29, 2025

How To Meet Girls in College

The greatest fear for most college students is (ironically) not that they will fail, but that they will never be noticed- some even worry that they will never get laid. If only our parents could read our minds, we would be home schooled until we turned 40. Nevertheless, once you hit the college scene, and all those hot girls have you forgetting why you are really there, you don't want to be one of those hopeless Joes stuck in your dorm room studying and masturbating your nights away. No! No! No! You will want to get in on some of that the action. College is the place to live out your fantasies, you don't need casual dating apps on your phone; hot girls are right there, ready for you to take. No, they aren't out of your league! You just need a master plan.
College Passion on Campus

Now, we are not talking about you getting just any tail, hot college girls who sleep around are just living out their college days too so we wont judge, but they aren’t the girls you want. The girls you are going after are the girls only the so-called “cool” guys get. That girl who sits in front of you in class with her sexy neck making it hard to focus on calculus, that cheerleader snob who is too hot for you to hate her or even the “I live in the library” glasses geek. Newsflash, all girls like to fuck! and soon enough they will be screaming your name like you were Justin Bieber. You are going to be that stud, who every girl will know and want by the end of your first couple weeks. Here is how.

Know What Every College Girls Want

First and foremost, the tricks that worked in high school wont work here. The ball game on a college campus is on a whole other level, and these girls want a tribe leader- as open as university is, it is a closed campus. Truth be told, things like athletics and being all varsity matter far less in university. At the same time, things like power and money matter less than they will after college, so take advantage. You just need to find that balance, and remember you don’t really have to go clubbing either; all the fun to be had is right there on campus. Be the leader, that’s the rule of thumb if you want to get laid.

The Secret To Getting College Girls

There is really no rocket science behind it nor huge manuals to be read. Getting a college girl just takes knowing these three little secrets:

1. Play The Long Game: To get noticed you must establish yourself. You don’t have to par with a huge circle of friends, but people must know your face and your name. Hang out with your dorm buddies, meet new friends at the gym and make a few friends from well known and coveted frats. The aim of the game at this point is not to get laid, its to get noticed. Don’t be a total tool though with pushy behaviour and loud entrances. Be cool, calm and collected with a penchant for having a good time will earn you a good rep out there.

2. Lead the Pack: Not everybody can be the alpha male in the pack, and you don’t need to hold that mostly ceremonious position for the hotties to notice you. When we say lead the pack, leave all the bureaucracy of being in charge to the power hungry male, you just be the guys who leads when it comes to having fun. Everybody loves a good time, a good drink and fun food stops. Be that guy! College girls watch to see who a guy hangs with and what he does on his down time. Don’t be a slacker, because when you cant graduate you will be the laughing stock, but be the guy who always has ideas of fun things to do and the guy who is always ready to down a few beers and crash a few parties- yet still show up for class. Play hard and work hard; that’s the kind of swag that leads the pack.

3. Respect Yourself More Than Her: It’s all good and well to party your nights away, but girls wont respect a man who is only good for partying and nothing else. Don’t be too available; disappear occasionally, to make them miss your presence. Too much of you might become redundant too soon. Ebb and flow is a must or your “cool” will run out. And remember the fun doesn’t always have to be getting shit face drunk and wilding out. The fun could be getting all the cool peeps together for an all-night study session to show the girls you got brains too. A man who can bring the fun and reign it in to be productive when needs be.

Get these three right and you will have to be fighting of the groupies.
Now, here are the 5 ultimate rules to attract all the rage and college horny bunnies you want and more:

Display  Killer Style

Fashion is overrated, and as college students people will rarely notice if you have on the latest Calvin Klein or Hugo Boss or whoever the hell else has their names dubbed as fashion. Point is there is a difference between fashion and style. Just get some cool threads and rock them like a rock star. A $0.99 body shirt or cool polo with the right amount of confidence and a jeans that shows off your sexy masculine ass (women love sexy male asses) will do the job. Remember style is less about what you wear and more about how you wear it.

Maintain a Decent Body

This is the BIGGEST deal in college. If you aren’t rocking that summer body, all sculpt and lean, then you wont even register on the college Richter scale….go back to your dorm be an average Joe. That fat quarterback rarely ever gets laid, the sexy studs lock down the town- just don’t get too ripped, that scares girls away. No beer belly and fat filled male muffin tops, between the partying, the studying and all other loose college behaviour, ensure you go jogging and log some hours in the college gym.

Clean your Dorm Room

I will just say that taking a girl back to a messy room with sweaty shirts and dirty boxers and old pizza boxes all over, is gross.

Have No Sense of Shame

Not giving a shit about what people actually think about you is a big plus. High school was the time to care, college is the place where those silly rules don’t matter. You just need to be that guy that shows up, shows a good time, get those grades and rock some worlds. Nothing else is relevant.

Warning! Do NOT Get Hitched!

College is the period of life you should be living out every sick twisted fantasy that every came into your head. Getting hitched is not on the agenda! The more you are unattainable the more you are attractive. I repeat, do not get hitched!

There you have it. Don’t shut yourself away like you are working for the hermit crab award of the year, get out there and have a good time and pick up some hot girls on your way in.

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