Saturday March 29, 2025

How to Attract and Pick Up Girls Anywhere

Strategies that get You Laid

Tired of having girls ditch you for another guy? Or perhaps, are you looking to hook up with that hot blonde next doors who doesn't even know you exist? Whether you're still a virgin trying to get into a steamy scene with your all-time crush, or you're a pro who wants to brush up on your seduction techniques, this will definitely be worth the read.

Average Man with 2 Gorgeous Women

These tips on picking up gorgeous girls will make you see things differently, which is exactly what you need to stop being a part of the 90% of males that are not getting any and move into the 10% that enjoy all the action. After all, you’ve got something women want, so start making things happen by applying these tips that will turn you into a chick magnet in no time!

First Things First – Why You Have to Stop Being a Nice Guy

Sure, women think nice guys are cute, but that’s not enough to make them want to go to bed with you. Deep down, any woman craves for a strong and tough guy who will give them the thrill of their life – even if it’s just a full 20 minutes under the sheets. You can’t do anything about it, since that’s how nature works. Women want guys who could protect them, give them what they want, and treat them like a queen. On the other hand, men lose their head over women with perfect proportions who ooze sexuality and are capable of reproduction (i.e. Kim Kardashian, Kate Upton, Lucy Pinder).

But you see, you can’t be the kind of guy that women want if you’re still projecting a nerdy, loser vibe. Why else would be movies like True Blood, Twilight, and Vampire Diaries project how the bad boy gets the chick if that’s not how it goes in real life? You see, bad boys have the “it” factor – scruffy, hunky, mysterious, hot, even if they’re also borderline arrogant, inattentive, cocky, and unfeeling. Ironically, these are all traits that make women flock to bad boys in an instant.

Bad Boy with lipstick mark on his cheek

In fact, society has identified bad boys as the “black hole” of humanity. It’s the perfect metaphor that suits them since no woman can escape from a bad boy’s charm, and no Mr. Nice Guy can keep his girl away from a mysterious guy’s grip.

Another reason why women are hooked on this type of a guy is for great sex. They associate a man who looks tough and acts confident as someone who knows his way in bed. Keep in mind that women love sex as much as guys do. So, if you’re the type who’s confident, aggressive, and can make her beg for more, then you can get ANY woman you want. Period.

Confidence Goes a Long Way

Guys are expected to make the first move – all the time. Even if you meet a girl who’s so into you, she’ll most probably just make eye contact with you, play with her hair, or flash a shy but oh-so-tempting smile. That should be your cue to get on your feet and walk her way.

Once you see a girl you like, NEVER think twice. After all, just 5 to 10 minutes from now, there may be another guy who’ll beat you to the punch and whisk away a potential date. Sure, shyness seems too cute and charming in romance films, but the real world tells you otherwise. So, the next time you see a hot chick in a restaurant, on the street, or any place where you are, approach her in an instant even if you have no idea what to say at first. Don’t think too much or you will loose the opportunity. Use the 20 seconds of courage rule; build up courage to say what you want to say, you only need twenty seconds to make a first impression.

Have an “It’s MY World” Mentality

Fake confidence if you have to, and don’t give a damn if you face rejection. Remember that the less you care a thing about being rejected, the more powerful, confident and aggressive you’ll appear to the rest of the world. If you’re shy, just push that trait out of your system. Remind yourself that this is YOUR world, and you can approach anyone you like at any moment you want.

Mysterios handsome guy with the world in his hands

Just think of it this way – you may only have one shot at getting the girl of your dreams. If you let that single opportunity pass by, you may never have another solid chance to meet her ever again. Will you actually allow yourself to walk away from the possibility of getting what you want just because you let that stupid fear rule your head? Do away with fear and shyness and just dive in to a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get closer to a potential mate (or maybe just a one night stand).

This goes without saying that you should be prepared to say something – anything – the moment you approach her. Forget about asking too much questions as these tell absolutely nothing about you. What’s more, asking many questions will make any woman feel like she is on a job interview.

Instead, go for statements to replace questions. Quit asking her what she does, where she’s from, or what her interests are. Tell her something about yourself, guess facts about her, and just take it from there until you realize that she has just given you her number.

Lighten Up and Have Fun

Be the fun and playful guy that every woman wants instead of the deep and no-nonsense man who can lull her to sleep. This is the right approach if you’re looking for a one-night-stand, or if you’re seeking for a woman who’s a wife material.

Truth is, even serious women just want to have fun, relax and let out their playful selves once in a while. Yes, there a time to be deep, analytical and serious, but it’s certainly not within a few minutes of meeting a woman. So, just let your anxieties go, laugh, and make her enjoy your company by not taking things way too seriously.

The Art of Peacocking

Peacock showing his feathers

Would you believe that women can size up any guy within about 30 minutes and label him as a “no”, “maybe”, or someone worth her time? Naturally, all of these labels come from the way you dress and how you project yourself.

Peacocking is not all about being a fashion guru. It’s all about projecting the kind of person you are with the way you look. Crazy about rock music? Then, let it show in your grungy outfit. If you’re a sports buff, wear outfits that can almost make her see your sexy washboard abs through your tight white shirt.

Attraction from the PeacockNot sure how to project yourself? Go get yourself some men’s fashion magazine and find your style. Dress to impress – that should be your mantra. You can only get one chance at attracting a girl, so don’t blow it. Remember what peacocks do when they’re trying to court and impress their female counterparts? They flaunt their style and do it with utmost confidence. That should teach you the art of peacocking and how it works.

Use Props That Ignite Conversation

You may not know it, but there are props that you can use to snag a woman. These props make any girl go crazy about a guy, and it’s about time you learn more about these and start using them to your advantage.

Musical Instruments Whether you’re a legit drummer in a band, or you just enjoy goofing around RockBand 3 and pretend you can actually play the drums, carrying around a pair of drumsticks will turn you into an instant hotshot. The same goes with a guy who has a guitar strapped on his shoulder, parading his musical self even if he can only play three chords. Women worship musicians, and they don’t care if you’re good looking or not. The bottom line – get yourself a musical instrument for a prop, and maybe try to actually learn how to play one to get a girl look your way.

Babies Babies are cute and fragile creatures that can make any woman’s heart melt. Since babies are simply adorable, it’s not surprising that women are also attracted to whoever is holding these creatures. There’s this notion that a guy who seems to have all the traits of a good father becomes instantly interesting. So, the next time someone asks you to babysit, sign yourself up and be a woman magnet!

Cool Shirts As mentioned previously, what you wear can have a significant impact to how women perceive you. A guy wearing a logo of a popular band becomes ten times hotter to a woman who’s crazy about the band featured in his shirt. It may even turn out to be a golden opportunity for you to ask her out on a date and watch a rock concert together. It doesn’t even matter if you’re not even a fan of that band. You can always lie about it just to get her interested in you, thanks to your awesome shirt.

Pets Women can’t resist a guy who’s an animal lover. In fact, it can be difficult for any girl to walk past a cute and helpless little doggie without pausing and petting it. This may be your chance to find a girl and have her approach you because of your canine companion. Next time you go out to do some errands, bring along your furry pal and watch women glance and smile at you.

Don’t Delay Gratification Too Much

Sure, it’s impossible (and creepy) to talk a woman into a relationship. If you’re still trying to figure out how you can get someone interested in you, then the problem is most likely with your hands and not with your words.

Learn the art of seduction, and use your balls to just go for it and initiate intimacy. If she touches your arm, by all means grope her by the hip. The moment she gives away signs that she’s interested, never hesitate to make her all yours. However, don’t be too touchy right away since that can freak her out. If she’s not comfortable when you touch her hand, you can’t expect her to want to have sex with you. Build her trust and level of comfort with your touch, and the next thing you know, she’ll be leading you in bed!

When it comes to dealing with potential sexual partners, the best pick up artists explain it’s not good to delay intimacy too much. Women may not say it, but they’re crazy about sex as much as you are. Just continue proposing intimacy even if you notice a slight resistance at first. With every sexual tension you add each time you get a chance to be together, you can make her want you to go farther with her.

When the time is right, try to kiss her instead of being that shy and awkward guy. Unleash the bad boy in you, touch her often and talk about kissing her. Tell her you’ll buy her a drink, drive her drunk friend home, or cook her your awesome dish just for a kiss. Be playful when you say these, though, unless you want to sound like a freaky pervert.

Let Her Keep Guessing

Since women are naturally emotional creatures, give her a dose of her own medicine. Stimulate her by giving her one heck of a roller coaster ride with the way you treat her. At one point, act like you’re interested, and the next day, push her away. For instance, you talked to her at a bar, made her feel that you’re totally into her, and got her number. You knew at that point that she’s also crazy about you, and that she’s dying for you to give her a call. Then, wait for about three days before dialing her number – just enough to make her ALMOST feel that you don’t care about her.

Women don’t like needy men, so why look and act desperate about meeting or getting in bed with them? Keep her stimulated by stirring their emotions, adding some mystery in your game, and disagreeing with her once in a while. Even if she’s downright gorgeous and hot, don’t idolize her, and make it obvious to her that you have a life instead of calling or texting her nearly every 30 minutes.

Where to Pick Up Girls

Flirting at the Gym Yoga Class
By now, you’ve probably gotten some pointers on how to succeed in getting yourself a girl. Now, it’s time to start looking for the best places to hang out to pick up girls. This can’t be too hard because literally, they’re everywhere! Whether you go to the mall, the beach, gym, or even at the supermarket, you can find yourself a gorgeous woman whom you can use to practice all these tips. Just exude that confidence, take on a bad boy image if you dare, and you’ll have girls lining up at your doorstep in no time!

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