Thursday January 30, 2025

Are you afraid to walk up to a woman? Master seducter Gary Brodsky explains how to talk to women and overcome approach anxiety:

One of the biggest problems men have with women is that they do not know how to talk to them. Men often make common mistakes and use pickup lines which tells the women that they are not confident and then they lose all respect for the man. Here we list some of the common tips on how to talk to women.

One of the most common mistakes made by man is to approach women with a phrase like “Hey, I think you look fantastic” or a phrase like “Hey, I think you look wonderful”. Do you know what is wrong with this approach? The big mistake in these approach lines is the word think. Whenever you use the word think, the women subconsciously think that you are not confident. This turns them off instantly. You need to understand that women are wired differently and they pick up a lot of clues from your body language.

Another common pickup line used by many is the “Hey, you look gorgeous. I want you”. There is nothing wrong with this line on the surface but you need to understand women. Women know that everybody wants them and they are not turned on by this. If instead of using want, you use need, it turns them on. This is what differentiates women from men. The women have the need to be needed. So, when you tell them that you need them, it works.

Imagine a situation where you see a women and the woman looks at you. Your eyes meet and then you turn your head away. This is very common. It does not sound obvious, but most of the men suffer from what is known as approach anxiety. So, how do you overcome approach anxiety? You need to be confident. You need to be decisive. Women do not like men who are indecisive, who seem under confident. If you cannot have the confidence to approach a woman, then you should forget about women. It sounds harsh, but it’s true. Make yourself confident and go talk to them. They are not going to bite you.

How to overcome approach anxiety? It can also be phrased as how to overcome fear in the moment. Fear is in the mind. Guys made this mistake of overcoming fear by overthinking it. You cannot over-think fear. Since fear is the mind, overthinking it reinforces that fear and creates a bigger monster out of it. So, how do you get away from this monster. You need to stop thinking. You need to start moving. This is the only way.

Approaching a women is a lot like giving a presentation. If you have the fear of giving a presentation, you will keep thinking about it and most of the times you will think about the things which can go wrong with your presentation. But as soon as you go on that stage and start reading out your presentation, you find out that your fears were unfounded and you end up giving a great presentation. So, what changed? The thing that changed was that you stopped thinking and started moving. This is the only way to overcome approach anxiety. Stop thinking and start moving.

So, what do you do when you suddenly have this fear and the thoughts just do not leave your mind no matter how hard you try. Start doing push-ups. Yes it sounds ridiculous but it works. If you start focusing on another activity, it takes your mind off the fear. contrary to what you have reading, human mind is not wired for multitasking. Take advantage of this. When you start focussing on another activity, suddenly your mind has other work to do. It needs to focus on boosting blood and oxygen supply. The fear goes away and that is when you make your move. So, next time when you want to approach beautiful woman, stop thinking and go to her and start talking. Its not necessary to do push ups, you can even carry some puzzles with you, start solving them. The fear will go away.

So, you have now gathered enough confidence and have finally approached a woman you like. You start making small talk with here and suddenly you develop a confused look. What happened? This is the next biggest problem men face while talking to a woman. They start thinking what to say next. Even if you learn to shed your inhibitions and gain enough confidence to go and approach a woman, most of the times you will get stuck with the question of what to say next? This leads to that feeling of fear again. The monster of fear grips on your mind again. Your mind goes into a loop and the fear monster starts feeding on it. It keeps getting bigger and bigger and you end up with a look as if a lighting bolt has stuck you.

You know why this problem arises? Well this problem becomes a problem because you’re not listening to the woman. You need to start a conversation and a conversation means that both the parties listen to what other has to say. So, when you go and start talking to a woman, start listening.

If you start listing to women, you will get a lot of information from the girl herself. This is especially true if a woman finds you interesting and wants to carry on a conversation. They will give you enough material to carry on a conversation. Girls usually provide a lot of cues while talking and men do not pick it up as they are nervous and their mind is more focused on thinking what to say next even when the girl herself is telling them. This becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The best way to carry on a conversation is to listen to the girl you’re talking to. Pickup on the cues and keep talking. Stop getting ahead of yourself. Start trusting yourself. You need to believe that if this girl wants to carry on a conversation and is even a little bit interested in you, she will give you information to talk about things. So, listen intently. Do not let your fear grow. Do not focus on what to say next. Just listen and let the conversation flow.

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