Monday March 31, 2025

How to Suck His Cock Blowjob Tips to Blow His Mind

A blowjob is one of the most pleasurable experiences a woman can give to a man. As a man, studies have repeatedly shown that it’s almost unanimous among sexually active men as one of their favorite sexual practice, sometimes out-performing intercourse itself!

Blowjob Concept: Sensual Woman About to Eat Banana

For an act that is so universally appreciated amongst the males of the species, the technicalities, techniques and science behind what makes a good blowjob’ seem woefully misunderstood by women.

Perhaps it is the fact that certain things remain taboo within science and public discourse, or maybe the common misconception amongst women that penises are simple appendages lends to the idea that knowledge isn’t needed, but ask any man and he’ll tell you, there is both a right and a wrong way to give a blowjob.

Here, we’re going to compile all the facts, and include some anecdotal evidence in order to give the ladies a better understanding of what exactly going on when they go down on their gentleman friend. We hope that you’ll find it informative, and gain a greater insight into the practice, as well as leave excited to try out a few new techniques to drive your man crazy in the bedroom (or wherever the mood takes you). So without further ado, lets prepare to talk dirty and get struck straight in…

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Judging by the reaction from almost any man whilst receiving, it’s readily apparent that enjoying a blowjob is universal amongst the male species. But what is it about the act that makes it so damn pleasurable? This has plagued women for centuries, as it’s very hard to understand if you don’t have a penis yourself, as male and female sexuality are so vastly different.

From a physical standpoint, the tip of the penis is extremely rich in nerve endings – the oh so sensitive anatomical constructs which can send signals of intense pleasure shooting up the spine. Furthermore, the foreskin contains roughly two thirds of all the nerve endings contained on the tip of the penis. It makes sense then, that having something as sensual as a tongue gently brush these nerve endings would have the capacity to be the source of extreme pleasure.

Combined with the soft wet friction of the mouth it can provide the sort of all-encompassing pleasure that goes straight to the brain and makes you feel like you’re lost in ecstasy, Combining the best parts of a masturbation (friction and momentum) with the highlights of intercourse (suction and moisture). Also, the vagina doesn’t have a tongue (in case you didn’t notice) so the overall pleasure from a blowjob is not only more varied, but altogether more intense when done correctly.


Now for some reason, having spoken to a great deal of women about the topic, they seem to have a sort of penile amnesia’ regarding the taste of a penis whereby every time pre-blowjob, they’re convinced it’s going to taste worse than it does, only to then be reminded that it just tastes like skin. Therefore I offer this advice; Ladies, try to consciously be aware of this, that way you’ll be more enthusiastic about the experience and that’s sure to excite and be appreciated by your partner. It’s also worth bearing in mind that in any case, you want to be seeing a guy who’s got good hygiene, and this is especially true if the man isn’t cut (i.e. is uncircumcised).

Whilst it’s very easy to clean an intact penis, not doing so can yield significant bacterial growth under the foreskin which can make the taste be somewhat…less appealing. So if your partner is lacking in this department, simply inform him. I guarantee that most men would rather hear it straight as they’ll then move heaven and earth if they think a blowjob is at the end of it. This is always more preferable to not receiving fellatio and wondering why, and benefits both of you. Adequate preparation makes the whole experience far more enjoyable. And for uncircumcised men, to gently clean under the hood’, simply pull the foreskin down gently and rinse with soapy water. It’s just like cleaning behind the ears, and as you’ll learn later on, having the foreskin intact has far more scientific positives than negatives.


Begin by moistening both your mouth and the penis with saliva. This will remove friction and make the process much smoother, and so easier for you and far more pleasurable for him. Begin with your tongue, tracing lines up and down the shaft, whilst slowly teasing your man by flicking your tongue under the foreskin from time to time. You’ll know when you hit the pleasure zones’ full of nerve endings, as your guy will give an indication, I guarantee it. Either a groan, a shudder or some complimentary words, you’ll know you’re doing it well. The lubrication serves to make it a smoother and more pleasurable experience. If you fancy, why not try one of the variety of flavored lubes on the market? This can make it more pleasing for you, and make your man feel less conflicted about kissing you afterwards.

Rhythm and Direction

Now a lot of women are under the impression that when handling a penis, either with their mouth or their hands, more vigorous equals more pleasurable for the man. This is not the case I REITERATE this is NOT the case. Treat it as you would treat any sensitive part of your own body, with tenderness and respect. That isn’t to say treat it like porcelain, but try to get into a steady rhythm with it. Much like for C.P.R., going in and out to the tune of Staying Alive’ by the Beegees is a good way to keep the pace at about the right speed.

Another tip is to always accommodate the direction of the penis. It’s incredibly uncommon for a penis to be completely straight, and more often than not they curve slightly to either the right or the left. Think of it like stroking someone’s hair against the grain. It feels uncomfortable as hell right? The same can be said for stroking (or sucking) a penis. Instead facilitate the curve. Also consider whether he’s right or left handed, as it’ll help you gage which hand he’s using for…erm…personal pleasure, and thus you can try and mimic that pattern with your mouth. It’s guaranteed to put him on the road to aa mind blowing orgasm, putting you firmly in the driving seat to tease, titillate and drive crazy if you so wish.


Ahh teeth, the bane of any good blowjob. The single thing that can change seven minutes in heaven to seven minutes in what feels like a meat grinder. Now this can undoubtedly take practice, particularly if the gentleman you’re pleasuring has considerable girth. As such it can take a bit of time until you become skilled at avoiding the teeth, however if you want to get a leg up in this field, there are certain tips we can offer.

Firstly, practice opening your mouth as wide as you can, curl your lips underneath your teeth, hold for ten seconds, and then close. Do this 4 to five times a day in increasing amounts of time, and within a week you’ll be sure to notice the benefits. Remember the mouth and jaw are controlled by muscles, and like any muscle they need to be exercised in order to improve.

Secondly we can borrow inspiration from a technique used by opera singers. As they need to be able to keep their mouths open wide for a long period of time in order to generate resonance, they must utilize the same muscles that you do when giving a blowjob (I bet you’ll never look at classical singers the same again will you?). A trick they use to improve this, is taking a raw egg and placing it inside their mouth. Then attempting to close their mouth without breaking the egg. Usually the jaw won’t completely close, and the presence of the egg forces you to keep the muscles surrounding the jaw tense. Sure if your friends walk in on you they might think you’ve lost it, but you won’t be thinking about them when you become the self-proclaimed Queen of the Blowjob’.

Lastly on this topic, no matter how skilled you are, even if you have the jaws of wonder-woman, there’s going to be times when it just feels like you’re sucking him forever and ever. A useful piece of advice is that you don’t have to continuously engage in the blowjob when you’re getting tired. The techniques regarding rhythm and direction work just as well for hand jobs, so if your jaw is getting tired, rest it for a bit and let your hands do the talking.

Remember, men have just as many erogenous zones as women, and when his penis is engaged, its your chance to find some of them. The neck, the nipples, the buttocks, the back of the knees, the perineum (the area between the testes and the anus) are all erogenous zones. Which ones any given individual responds to, as well as the intensity of such sensations varies, but whilst giving a man a blowjob, you are in control, and have unprecedented power to explore him whilst he’s in a state of mind to be receptive to such things. So don’t keep going until you get jaw lock, nothing is less sexy. Feel free to mix it up and return to it later if you must.

Should You Swallow?

Here we come at last to what is probably the most contested and fought about issue on this whole subject, whether to spit or to swallow his jeez. So let’s start with good ol’ science first to help us dispel some of the myths or rumors.

Contrary to what you might think, digesting semen is not uncommon in the animal kingdom. A study published in the Journal Biology Letters’ in 2013 concluded that females across a range of species regularly chose to consume the semen of males because it is highly nutritious. That’s right, sperm is a superfood!

In fact, a single teaspoon of semen (roughly typical of an average male ejaculation) contains over 200 types of nutrients, vitamins and minerals from only 25 calories and 11mg of fat! In fact, the more you look at the nutritional composition of semen, the more it resembles a type of protein shake you’d get at your local gym. So from that, we can’t deny that the consumption of semen is, medically at least very healthy.

Aside from that though, there’s always going to be people who find it a turn on as well as people who find it somewhat disgusting, and unfortunately it would appear that the topic has not been researched enough to gather viable statistics, thus any information is largely anecdotal. There is some evidence, for example that a women swallowing her partners semen stimulates bonding between the pair and is more pleasurable for the man. This study however is without peer reviews. A similar study found that the same thing can cause feelings of disgust in the woman, thus contributing to relationship breakdown, so it is quite contradictory.

Key Takeaways

What it seems to come down to (pun intended) is communication. Talk to your partner, express your preferences and let him express his. By doing so, hopefully you’ll be able to come to an agreement which pleases both individuals. Regardless of the destination, a good blowjob is all about the journey, and learning how to play your man like a well-tuned violin. As with any skill, practice makes perfect (and I doubt he’ll complain to such practice), but hopefully with the tips we’ve listed, you’ll be able to take some shortcuts to becoming a Blowjob Queen (or King). If you need a subject to practice on, there is an unlimited supply of horny guys local to you on adult dating sites. Make sure you only suck clean and disease free guys.

And look at it this way, cunnilingus (fellatio on a woman) is becoming increasingly popular amongst adults. If it’s something you enjoy, mastering blowjobs will convince him to master his skill… meaning more pleasure for the both of you.

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15 thoughts on “How To Suck Dick: What Guys Want in a Blowjob”

    1. There is no way to stop gagging it is natural actually it is because ur uvula is longer so there for u gag easier

    2. i personally learned that holding my thumb tightly while giving him a blow job helps me not gag. I don’t know if this works for other people but it worked for me. 🙂

    3. It’s called being shallow throated, focus on the head, don’t go deep throat if you gag easy. If your man loves and respects you, he will understand…. and still enjoy himself.

  1. When I suck my man’s big cock I open my mouth a little so my lips don’t fully touch that dick and when he cums it falls out my mouth or it’ll cum out my nose just blow that dick even after he cums.

  2. I’m a cunningulis champion. I only wish my wife liked relatio as much. I eat her and swallow her enough that I think it’s unfair to wait for my birthday for her to swallow my load. Sincerely Matt

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