Saturday February 22, 2025

Is He Cheating? How To Know If He Is Having an Affair

When it comes faithfulness in relationships, most of us would rather turn a blind eye than face the unpleasant fact that our spouses might be cheating. As much as we would rather not face that fact, we also know that we cannot hide from it forever. If your spouse or boyfriend is having an affair, sometimes you can just feel it in your bones. You never really know what is bothering you, but you always know that something is not quite right. So, is he cheating on you and if so, how can you tell?

There are obvious signs that often lead one to the inevitable conclusion that someone you love might be having sex with someone else other than you:

  • Lipstick stains on his shirt
  • Motel room receipts or key cards
  • The scent of a woman’s perfume on his clothes
  • Raunchy texts on his phone
  • Questionable Web Browsing History.
  • Unexplained disappearances on random nights and so on.

These are all signs that we can all see. But that does not mean that when these signs are absent, they are being faithful. They might just be better at covering their tracks. With that in mind, here are some subtle signs that he might be cheating with another woman.

Signs of Cheating in a Man

There are signs a man is cheating. Before you accuse your man of cheating, make sure you have evidence. Also, what some couples consider cheating, might be acceptable for others. Some women are ok with their husbands watching porn videos, but would consider interacting with a girl on a live webcam site as foul play. If you do suspect your partner is cheating, confirm your suspicion before you confront him.

He suspects you of cheating

If all of a sudden your boyfriend is hinting on the fact that ‘YOU’ might be having an affair, then the chances are very good that he is lying and cheating on you. This is based on the simple fact that we almost never see the world as it is but as we are. The guilty are always afraid and thus try to deflect their guilt and suspicious behavior onto someone else. They are hoping that this will put you on the defensive thus leaving you with no time to investigate them, or that you will bend over backwards to prove that you are faithful by being extra nice to them. Which means no unnecessary conflict such as the kind that would have ensured should you have confronted them of cheating. Be on the look out for this erratic behavior and baseless accusations on their part.

He Makes Love Differently

Yes, there is a great chance that they have been learning some new skills in their spare time so that they can please you better in bed. However, the odds are greater that he is cheating on you. Different people like different things in bed and some people are more vocal about this. Especially people who would knowingly sleep with another woman’s man. If your man is having an affair, chances are he is learning to please the other woman. This is not something that can be easily turned off. It will show in the way they kiss and hold you; the way they make love to you. Have you ever felt like you were making love to someone else entirely? That is mostly because, in his mind, he is making love to the other woman.

He is Gone All Metro-sexual

Typically, men in stable relationships tend to let themselves go. They develop a ‘relationship gut’, they wear the same clothes and generally avoid the gym. Men who are trying to attract mates, are often more careful about their appearance. They dress better, smell better, look better and generally stand straighter. If all of a sudden your man is back to being and looking like a regular ‘Adonis’, then something must be up. He now goes to the gym, dressed better, combs his hair and diligently uses his cologne, he is trying to snare someone else. Researches say that the improvement in physique is the body’s natural way of readying itself for courtship.

His Behavior is Unpredictable

Just because your spouse is having an affair does not mean that they do not love or value you anymore. This means that they will often just be as sweet as they normally would be. But in their efforts to remain as considerate to both parties, they will inevitably start mixing things up. All of a sudden he thinks that you are allergic to something that you are not; he thinks that red is your favorite color while we all know your favorite color is Lilac; he thinks you are a size 10 when you are a struggling 12 and so on. This is mainly because he has memorized these things about both of you and his brain making the distinction (at least not fast enough to prevent a conversational slip-up).

You can always tell when someone is behaving differently, no matter how subtle the difference. If you have known them for long and well enough, you can always tell. However, you should investigate before you make any rush decisions.

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2 thoughts on “Is He Cheating? Signs He’s Having an Affair”

  1. Hi, I am so confused.. Deep down in my gut i feel my mans cheating But at the same time i tell myself no way.. He cant be.. I read all the signs your man could be cheating and there is one thing i noticed he has bought himself new pants for work and play he wears cologne when he goes to work but at the same time he hardly ever shaves anymore and hes a stickler about that. also, these other things i’ve noticed are: he hardly talks to me and when he does its kinda with an attitude, he hardly touches me, sex has gone way down, in the past if we were not getting along with each other and he wanted to spend some alone time he would go out of his way to make things good he dont do that anymore he pretty much acts like it don’t make a difference if i was here or not. and the biggest heart break is no matter what i do or wear lately i cant get him to look at me. Maybe hes not cheating… May its that hes just not into me anymore.. if that is it then i might as well just say he is cheating on me because thats whats next..or is it not to late? Do you have any suggestions? I am willing to try to do whatever to save us.. PLEASE HELP!!!

  2. Do you think your boyfriend or husband is cheating on you? Let the country’s best female PIs help you get to the bottom of it. We are shooting a new TV pilot for and are looking to help. Please email [email protected] for further details.

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