Saturday March 29, 2025

Yes. It Is Possible To Hook Up Using Adult Dating Sites

Most men trying to hook up online fail. There are so many adult dating sites, it is often difficult to know which ones are effective. The second obstacle is that many of the most popular adult dating sites are full with fake profiles managed by either bots or other guys trying to tempt you to subscribe to a webcam site. If you are able to discern the fake profiles from the ones that, you can indeed, find horny women looking to have an affair.

Sexy man and woman in undergarments meeting online but in the same room

To really take advantage of booty call sites, you really need to mine the profiles, and for that you need systems. If you are a guy, don’t get too attached to any one female profile, as chances are she is not real. However, once in a while, you will find a horny hottie… if you know where to look. The suggestions below are guidelines that will increase your chances of getting laid through an adult dating site 10-fold.

1. Have a great profile picture – Attract more women and increase your odds of getting laid by making sure you look friendly and masculine in your photo. Girls dont like pale guys or loosers. Even if you think you are a looser, make sure you dont convey this in your dating profile. Ask yourself, what would I look like if I were super confident. Ask a friend to take your picture against a colorful background. Look for good examples of profile pictures online.

2. Make A Good Impression – Make sure your dating profile doesn’t look empty. You don’t want to go overboard either. Come up with a interesting story where you can convey to the women you are an interesting guy. Don’t explicitly say it, but let women know you make a lot of money. Take a picture in a Porsche (test drive one at you local dealership), dress in fancy clothes and show pictures of you hanging out with other women.

3. Be Extra Persistent – It goes without saying; you will have to message more than just a couple girls to get a date, and you will have to go on more than just a couple dates to get the prize. Some guys get lucky the first time around, but the reality is most of us screw up a couple time until we can consistently attract and mesmerize women into bed.

If You Ask For My Advice

If you ask me, there is no single best site to join. Joining multiple sites will multiply your chances to score. Also, like me, you will probably get tired of writing the same messages again and again. Sooner or later you should draft a script that you can simply copy and paste when messaging new women. Remember, we are not falling in love here.

If you are afraid you are going to be rejected, don’t show it. Put your fears on hold, and message as many women as you can (use the script we talked about). When a woman responds, start with some small talk. Afterwards, make sure she understands you are the prize, and you desire her. You are not here to make friends, you are here to f-ck. Subconsciously, women like decisive guy (don’t confuse this with aggressive). Read my article on the psychology of women. After you break the ice, let her know your intentions. Remember, dont be the nice guy, nice guys don’t get laid. Know what you want and take it; this is your worlds, she is just in it.

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