Wednesday March 26, 2025

How to Eat Ass A Comprehensive Guide To An Amazing Rimming Experience

Your ass is a thing of many wonders. However, since you possibly don’t know more about this nether region like other parts, you will have to do some form of exploring before venturing into this exciting world of anal play. Below is a comprehensive list of tips if you’re looking forward to dine downtown:

Sensual Woman Licking a Strawberry

If you thought that tossing salad refers to meal prep only ,let’s widen your horizon. Tossing someone’s salad, commonly known as analingus or rimming is oral sex which is performed on another person’s butthole. In simple words, rimming basically refers to the act of using one’s tongue and mouth to pleasurably stimulate the rim of someone’s arsehole. Most people view rimming as a practice that’s primarily associated with the gay. However, as it’s the case with other forms of bum-based fun, ass rimming is something that an increasing number of people (straight men and women) are beginning to discover its appeal.

There are genuine physiological reasons for that intense sensation that’s experienced by butt-play recipients. The anus region is an erogenous zone that’s ripe with nerve endings. As[s] such, it feels extremely good when it is stimulated. Just like the other erogenous zones (such as the clitoris, nipples and penis), the anus also has heightened sensitivity levels and it is capable of generating intense and pleasurable sexual responses.

How Does Ass Rimming Work?

You can give your partner a rimming job as the standalone sex act. However, it is commonly done prior to anal sex. Alternatively, it can be integrated into eating someone out or blowjobs (don’t forget to wash up as you go from the anus area to another orifice). Dr. Jessica O’Reilly, the author of New Sex Bible, describes a rimming technique known as the “tongue twister.” During this act, you have to spread someone’s butt cheeks using your hands and then twirl the tongue in a circular motion. She also describes the “slurpe emove” which occurs is when one presses his/her lips around the partner’s asshole in a circular motion and thrusts the tongue against it. When doing this, you should slurp away as if you are sucking on a bottle as you allow your natural sounds to freely emanate.

Rimming Tips

Your Tongue Is A Special Organ. Even though there are many body parts which can be used in pursuit of the anal pleasures, it turns out clearly that the tongue is perfectly suited to this task. Flexible, wet and soft, continually bathing in its natural lubricant, and at the same time able to shift between probe like exquisite and stiffness, your tongue can do a lot of things that no other objects or body part can do. Therefore, use your tongue wisely. Experiment to a certain extent. Vary your speed, density, approach and so on. You should also pay close attention to how the other person responds.

Relish The Taboo

You might probably have been told in sex education that your brain is usually the most important erogenous zone. However, what they didn’t tell you is that a good way to fuck one’s brains out is by breaking a sexual taboo with your willing partner. And licking the anus is one of those final taboos left. It is essentially the forbidden fruit.

Even after numerous experiences in this region, getting rimmed might still feel dirty to you. And it’s even difficult to reciprocate. However, you should relish this act and I can assure you it’s a worthy experience!

Establish comfort

As with all other matters of sexual pleasure, the best ways to attain explosive results is by ensuring that that you along with your partner(s) are comfortable. This is also true when it comes to rimming. There are a few ways that you can work on so as to alleviate the other person’s existing anxiety and make the rimming experience as pleasant as you can.


It’s quite evident that cleanliness is ought to be a bigconcern considering the fact that eating the ass involves direct contact between one person’s tongue to the recipient’s anus. No person wants to try this out without their partner having come out fresh from the shower. While your partner is in the shower, she should use a finger and take some time to ensure that they’ve dug out everything that they have to.

Master Dominic, a renowned sex educator who usually teaches evening classes at the swanky erotic emporium Coco, and a winner of Erotic Performers of the Year title during the Sexual Freedom Awards in 2014 says that your lover shall feel self-conscious and less cagey about you being close to their ass if they know that it is daisy-fresh. (

Prepare The Butthole

You can debate on whether you’ll be shaving, trimming or letting the natural bush grow on the front part of your body as you want. However, when you are dealing with your behind, you’d better believe that the hair be gone or maintained as low as possible. There’s no person who wants to have his experience hampered just by having to weave or duck through a forest. You should shave, trim, wax or bleach or a combination of these.

Anal bleaching is mainly used to lighten your ass, which makes it look more attractive to the person who’s about to put his tongue inside it. However, there are always risks of irritation, burning and even scarring. Remember, this is mainly a cosmetic procedure. A hairless crack might look clean, still always ensure the ass you are eating has been thoroughly washed before you put your tongue on it.

Don’t Use Your Teeth

This isn’t an area for biting. You surely don’t want to get bitten. As such, you should leave your teeth out when you try to entertain your partner. Remember, the delicacy of one’s ass is what makes the experience enjoyable. There are many nerves back there. Therefore, go easy, go slow, and always remember: No Teeth.

Use Your Tongue… To Speak

This is very critical: Always be up-front and open up about the things that you would like to do with your partner. As shocking as it might sound, not every person enjoys giving or even receiving rim jobs. You should therefore talk about this in advance. You should have an open and frank exchange of ideas about your partner’s level of comfort. In other words, you should make sure that your communication channels are functional and open before visiting the dark sides of the moon.

The Procedure


Once again, as it’s the case with all matters pertaining sex, you should add some form of foreplay before getting straight into rimming. Tease around the ass. Show your mate that although you are about to do something that can be viewed as a submissive act, you are the one person who’s in control here. You should taunt while you explore their whole body, before briefly lingering on the main areas then leave again. Make them really squirm. When ready to get into the act, test the waters and then start to play with their ass and anus. You ought to pay close attention to your partner’s body language and the way they tense up during the act. Hopefully if you are at this point with your partner, then you can recognize the tenses that represent good signs (something that you should exploit for pleasure) and the ones that signal pain.

Spread and Spit

Saliva (spit) is going to serve as butter for this type of bread. Unlike vaginas, anuses don’t self-lubricate. As such, a good idea is spreading apart your partner’s butt cheeks when ready to get serious and then start to lick, drool or even spit to get their anus lubricated and nice. Don’t ever rush to add in your finger, or else it is going to be one short-lived (and painful) experience.

As you lubricate with the spit, ensure that you are keeping your partner’s ass cheeks wide enough for the tongue to be capable of weaving freely as it needs to. You aren’t trying to tear your mate in half at the ass though, so you should get a good balance. Rimming is an art; it takes skill and restraint to master this delicate process. As such, you should be calculating and patient, rather than going wild and giving in into your lust.


Speaking about your breath, this is yet another power tool to use when eating ass. Once your partner’s anus becomes wet due to the application of saliva, it is going to be much more sensitive. A pleasant cool or hot breath will certainly send some shivers up your mate’s spine. Feel free to take breaks from licking to softly blow toward the anus or apply your warm breath in a controlled, sexy fashion (do not blow inside the anus).


Make sure that you continuously add variety to all your techniques; swapping in between circling to drawing alphabet or random shapes and so on. You can also adjust the size of your tongue — between wide and narrow — to control the level of pressure that you apply.

Avoid Tunnel Vision

As you’re deep in the act, do not forget exploring other parts of your partner’s body (ones that you can reach). Just be safe and smart in case you decide to let the tongue wander after being in another person’s asshole.

Clean Up

After rimming, you should immediately go brush your teeth. Wash twice or three times as long as you usually do and re-apply toothpaste at least once. Thoroughly rinse your mouth and gargle with a strong mouthwash such as Listerine to finish killing any bacteria that might have survived in your mouth.

What Are The Potential Risks?

Like all other sexual acts, there are certain safer sex methods to keep in mind all the time. Since your partner’s anus is the opening found at the end of gastrointestinal tract, it means that it might harbor bacteria which can cause infections like bacterial vaginosis and UTIs if it comes in contact with a women’s vagina. This is precisely why it’s important to ensure that you partner washes the anal region with water before you engage in rimming. If you’re a woman, you can also try bathing with your mate or incorporate rimming in your shower sex so as to make that sanitary prep to feel more steamy.

The potential STD risks of eating the ass have never been studied formally. Nonetheless, rimming is generally perceived to be less risky as compared to penetrative anal sex whenever it comes to contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseased. Having said that, when you give or even receive a rimming job, there ares till chances of transmission for diseases that are usually spread via skin-to-skin contacts like syphilis or HPV. Health experts suggest that you should use a safe sex barrier, such as a dental dam so as to be on the safe side. If you’re among of those individuals who don’t like using dental dams, then ensure that you do not double dip. Do not allow anything that has been near the anus to get into your vagina before cleaning it first.

What If I’m Feeling Insecure About Doing It?

Rim jobs are not meant for each and every sex-haver who’s out there. For instance, not every person has interests in anal play, which is very okay. Never should you do anything which makes you uncomfortable in any way, and rimming isn’t a requirement for having a fulfilling sex life. Also, while eating ass might feel awesome for certain individuals, it can still be nerve-wracking to others — butthole insecurities are always real. When you’re getting rimmed, it is normal for you to wonder: Does my partner think this is too gross? What if I happen to fart? Do I smell somehow bad? That’s the main reason why experts recommend that you wash first, then set mood lighting, and finally communicate any anxieties or desires to your mate beforehand so as to help you relax.

Therefore, if these X-rated versions of tossing salad sound a bit fun to you, then just ensure that you proceed as safe as possible. Just remember that you along with your asshole are more worthy than the pleasure which rimming can bring.

Even if you are an experienced rimmer who has been too busy with the head stuck up in another person’s asshole already, the above guide should still improve your experience. Unlike those think pieces, love songs and essays about rimming, this is a complete guide tutorial on eating the booty properly. Follow the steps in this guide and you should be on your way to becoming a master of rimming. Keep in mind that only practice makes perfect. Enjoy rimming and

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