Friday March 14, 2025

So You Want to Get a Massage with Happy Ending?

Disclosure: Some of the topics discussed in the paragraphs to follow are extremely controversial and might be prohibited in some countries.

Before you continue reading, please note the information provided in this article is for entertainment purposes only. We do not encourage or promote any illegal activity. We assume no liability for following the content in this article.

Attractive Masseuse Giving Erotic Massage

There’s no doubt men are horny creatures! Most of them are also very stressed too. Asians in particular understand this very well. Odds are you’ve passed by a Asian Massage Parlor (or AMPs) on your way to work and you didn’t even give it a second thought. This businesses seem like legitimate spas offering the standard services you would expect.

There exists a community of guys who call themselves Mongers. They love happy ending massages and are horny when people talk about erotic massage. Asian erotic massage parlors, most of which are run by Korean or Chinese operators, have proliferated all across the United States and Canada in recent years.

Finding an Massage Parlor That Offers Hand Release

As you can see from the Google Maps screenshot below, finding an Asian Massage Parlor is not hard at all.

California Asian Massage Parlors

But how do you know which ones offer extra services and which don’t? Well, you can’t really ask. You need to watch for signs.

AMPs in North America (and in the whole world) are quite similar in their structure and appearance. Most of them are situated inside old buildings that look unappealing. A typical Asian Massage Parlor consists of a small entry area that has a small doorbell button, a window and a services/prices poster.

Oriental Massage Storefront

Once you get inside, you will more likely meet two nice seniors who kindly welcome you. They are known as the Papa San or Mama San.

They will tell you to pick your favorite girl and will either show you some photos or guide you to meet their masseuses in person. More than often, they have a back exit that enables you to get out without having the face the next guys coming in.

You can find the closest parlor to you on one of the following sites: ,, You can also look on Craiglist or search on Google for girls offering erotic massages in your area.

How Much Should You Pay For Services

You need to be prepared with at least $80 for one hour. For extra services, bring in an additional $100 with you. Oral usually costs $80, while a massage with hand release is typically $40. You may also choose to leverage additional services such as sauna, hot tub and body shampoo. I strongly suggest leaving your wallet in the car. You don’t want the masseuse to take more money than you are prepared to offer.

Getting In

Once you get in, you need to be confident in yourself. If you have already found a girl you like, ask the owners specifically for this girl. If they ask you to pay upfront, do not hesitate to pay. Offer them a tip and you will be rewarded with big smiles and hugs. Mama son will be delighted to hug you. However, never mention reviews on the internet, nor talk about the legality issue.

Once you are inside the room with the girl, remember to have fun and make the most out of your time available. Treat the ladies well and you will be greatly rewarded!

According to a recent study conducted and sponsored by Government agencies, the underground sex economy has grown exponentially in the last couple of years. The number of massage parlors has grown to nearly 5,000 in 2014, from 4,189 back in 2011. While in the past most of these AMPs were concentrated around large residential areas and big cities, such as San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles, today you can find at least a dozen massage parlors in every state.

This industry is estimated to grow by 25% in the next 5 to 7 years. The erotic massage industry has definitely become a pipeline for new immigrants from South East Asia. To learn more about massage parlors in the United States of America, follow this link:

The Legality Issue

Both Asian Massage parlors and Korean Massage parlors try to behave like legitimate businesses, with licensed massage therapists and legal tax systems. However, the level of control and exploitation differ from parlor to parlor. There are many parlors that control women through threats, psychological abuse, isolation or debt bondage.

According to the Mann Act of 1910, knowingly transporting a person for sexual activities is a felony. There are many AMPs that could be completely shut down by federal agents who discover even the slightest hint of human trafficking. However, most of the masseuses will choose to lie and not reveal the true nature of their work due to the fear of losing their jobs.

Most massage parlors front as legitimate businesses. Hence, it is quite easy for them to evade detection. Additionally, gathering enough evidence to prove that the owners of the AMP or the human traffickers use force or coercion to determine their victims to provide massage or sexual services to customers might seem like a daunting task, especially as the victim’s movements and interactions with third-party people are closely monitored.

The whole legality issue is showcased in this article:

The Monger Community

Mongers have their own communities and even use a unique language which only they understand. Some of the terms in their lingo include:

– Draping: when your masseuse uses this term and then leaves, it means you have to take all your clothes off if you want to enjoy a happy ending. Most masseuses will only give you a happy ending, in addition to the therapeutic treatment, if you are butt naked. If you still have your underwear on, you might not get to enjoy a massage with hand release.

– Options: this term is used to describe the ways your masseuse will provide your massage. The standard options are g-string, topless and nude.

– Therapeutic: this is the word for a standard therapeutic massage, where you just want a legitimate massage with no happy ending.

– Full Service: you can use this term when you want to have sex with the masseuse.

– Releases: there are various types of releases, but the most common are hand release, breast release or butt release.

– Extras: this code is used for anything else except the above. However, this also means you will need a lot of extra cash. Some of the extras you might be interested in are two-girl, dirty talk, mutual massage, tantric massage, lingerie, or foot worship.

– Analinus: licking the anus

– FS: this term means that you want the masseuse to treat you like you are her boyfriend – to kiss you, play with you, hug you, etc.

– OWO: oral without condom

– RMP: Russian massage parlor

In addition to using all of these expressions, mongers also have their own favorite sites where they can find massage parlors, review them and write their honest opinion about a certain masseuse. Some of the top accessed sites by mongers are ,, and Craiglist. Most massage parlors advertise on Craiglist in the therapeutic services section.

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