Monday March 31, 2025

How to Pick Up Girls in Class

Let’s say you met some hot girt in class and you guys are now acquainted or maybe even friends. How do you take it to the next level? In this piece you will get to learn how to pick up the girl in class smoothly and with fun. A lot of guys in this situation will play it safe, they will have casual conversation with the girl, talk to her about school or about homework. That may be cool, but you may just box yourself in the friendship zone forever. There are two main rules when you try to pick up a girl in class.
Guy talking to a girl in class

Let’s say you met some hot girt in class and you guys are now acquainted or maybe even friends. How do you take it to the next level? In this piece you will get to learn how to pick up girls in class smoothly and with fun. A lot of guys in this situation will play it safe, they will have casual conversation with the girl, talk to her about school or about homework. That may be cool, but you may just box yourself in the friendship zone forever. There are two main rules when you try to pick up a girl in class. Firstly, make your intentions clear as early as possible. Waiting until the last day of the semester to tell her that she is cute or hot, and you are attracted to her is going to end up in a failure. What you should do is get it out of the way the first time you see her. You could sit next to her and tell her, you adorable, I had to meet you, or you have a sexy body and you dress well. But if you want to be gentleman you could go like, you are cool, you must be one of the popular kids. The purpose of all this is to raise her interest and get a conversation started.

Make your intentions very clear from the beginning. Be confident and bold in your moves and this is always a good thing. Most guys are afraid to do this because they think it is “Awkward”, but it’s not. If she doesn’t fall for it, you sit with a different hot girl the next day. It’s that simple. The worst case scenario is that you could end up talking to all the beautiful girls in class and they may all think you are bold and confident. This will make the other hot girls start getting intrigued by you and they just start giving you that attention. Once you get her attention don’t hesitate, ask for her facebook or twitter page or even ask her out for a date. Make sure you have planned adequately for the date. Get that nice ride, if you don’t have it, borrow from your friends. Peacocking for the date is a must, spend some extra bucks on a good outfit that will definitely impress her.

The other thing you need to do is to always escalate the relationship. The biggest mistakes that guys do after that first date is getting to know the girl, getting too comfortable but never really taking any chances. What you need to do is to be a bit fast but not appear rushy. In the first date you need to take her phone number if you don’t have them. Don’t just take the phone number and not use it. Call her for some interesting stuff over the weekends. If she is 18, invite her to come join you and your friends to a football match over the weekend. If you are still in college or even high school, have her come to some party you are throwing. The reason why this approach will not disappoint you is that everyone in school is there to socialise and meet new people. So when you invite them for a party especially in the first week of school and there is no homework they are most likely going to be open to it.

You also need to trust your instincts. If you listen to your intuition and they tell you the girl is not the type that likes to hang out in crowded places, be creative with your proposals. Complement her, ask her if she is free after class, whether you take her out for coffee or lunch. You could be even more creative and tell her about this interesting event that is going down in school and you could attend just to make fun of people. Whatever you find fun, just have her join you. Chances are high that she will agree. Make the event worthwhile and engaging; use the event to break all the ice and make her trust you. After parting ways, flirt with her over the phone and avoid talking about school stuff all together. Take her out of the mind-set that you guys are classmates and put her in the mind-set that you guys are more than friends.

Remember that no matter how angelical and innocent a girl looks, she probably enjoys and craves sex. Just visit a few of the major porn sites and you will see countless innocent looking girls doing nasty things and enjoying it. Thousands of “nice” looking girls also decided to become internet models and broadcast themselves playing with their sex toys on the most popular adult webcam sites. It is your duty as a man, to satisfy these creatures and add excitement to their lives. Now that you know how to pick up a girl in class, keep on taking your chances, don’t stop being bold. It may sound counterintuitive but girls like bold guys, it shows you are high in confidence. Try this out and before you know may have just end up getting laid by all the hot girls in class!

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